Thursday, December 12, 2013

Arduino Template

Arduino Template
I'll do not wish to alarm you , but I got a new toy and like to share some sketchy ( pun intended) thoughts about it.
So here is the first installment of last of the series of sketches I patterned after Arduino IDE example named rightfully Blink.
The idea was to build a working Arduino application using just that _ Arduino Uno.

A curious user should be able to follow thru, dodging comments and finally realize how the template grew from simple to more complex but maintained ( I hope) the processing flow to just blink one LED.

Constructive commentaries are appreciated, comments from peanut gallery regrading the formatting, usage of delay function etc are cheerfully applauded too.

Basic Template version 7
Turn the L LED ( Uno ) on and off
Demonstrate "Uno is alive" using build in L LED.
Identify / fix typos using compiler
Use Serial ( COM) as troubleshooting tool
Use preprocessor as troubleshooting tool
Use function with parameter checking and simple return values.
Symbolic names for variables
Digital I/O
delay function
Development - comments
Function - using passed parameters
Using controls - "if"
Function - using simple true / false return value for error tracking
Code block - lines of code can be enclosed by { } curly brackets indicating a logical scope / relations and also allowing
to declare variables local to such scope.

Function - using numerical code returned to identify incorrect pin passed as parameter
Suggested exercise:
Change one occurrence of L_LED to LLED, compile and "fix" the error using IDE
Replace "fixed" delay of 1000 ms with symbol
- use IDE "find and replace"
- use meaningful name for symbol
Remove quotation mark from string "L LED off" - "L LED off" , compile and "fix" the error using IDE
Remove quotation mark from string "L LED off" - "L LED off , compile and "fix" the error using IDE
Note the compiler is helpful, but cannot tell the difference between originating and terminating character.
Remove DEBUG in #ifdef DEBUG line - #idfef , compile and "fix" the error using IDE
Replace turning the LED off with fLED function, comment tout unused code block.
Using controls - "if(statement)"
The "statement " is evaluated for true or false. If true next line / block is processed.
If false next code line / block is skipped.

Function - checking for return value using simple return value for error tracking
Code block - uncomment code block test, compile and "fix" the error
Function - using numerical code returned to identify incorrect pin passed as parameter
Pass incorrect pin value to the function, observe COM output.
Fix the line formatting.

// project variables
// hardware Pin 13 has an L LED connected on most Arduino boards.
int L_LED = 13; // Pin 13 has an L LED connected on most Arduino boards.

// project definitions
#define DEBUG 0 // 0 skip compiling marked code 1 compile all code

// the setup routine runs once
void setup() {
// initialize the digital pin as an output.
pinMode(L_LED, OUTPUT); // unnecessary - all pins are output on power -up , but keeps orderly code
// initialize build-in serial (COM) port
// indicate debugging mode
Serial.println("Debugging mode on...");

// the loop routine runs over and over again forever:

void loop() {
// replace this code block with a function
digitalWrite(L_LED, HIGH); // software - set the L LED pin to HIGH
// hardware - turns the L LED on
#ifdef DEBUG // check for debugging mode
Serial.println("L LED on"); // output line to COM port
delay(1000); // processor does nothing for 1000 ms - wait
// replacing simple function call with checking function return code
// fLED(L_LED,1,1000); // parameters int iPin, bool bOnOff, int iDelay)

if(fLED(L_LED,1,1000)) // function returns only 0 or 1
Serial.println("Success L LED is on "); // function returned 1 - true
Serial.println("Failure L LED is still off "); // function returned 0 - error code false
// replace this code block with a function capable of indicating incorrect pin parameter passed
digitalWrite(L_LED, LOW); // software - set the L LED pin to LOW
// hardware - turns the L LED off
Serial.println("L LED off"); // output line to COM port
delay(1000); // processor does nothing for 1000 ms - wait

int iError; // local variable - no need to initialize - set by function
// iError = fLED_pin(L_LED,0,1000); // comment out for test
iError = fLED_pin(0,0,1000); // 0 is invalid pin - serial port
if(iError == -1 ) // checking return value
Serial.println("Success L LED is off"); // function returned -1 OK
{ // returned error value code block
Serial.println("Failure L LED is still on ");
Serial.print("Incorrect pin number passed ");

// function to operate LED
// input parameters
// int iPin I/O pin
// bool bOnOff 0 turn LEDN off 1 turn LED on
// int iDelay keep LED state lenght
// output
// bool 0 function completed sucessfully
// bool 1 function failed

bool fLED(int iPin, bool bOnOff, int iDelay)
bool bError = true; // simple true / false error check true / 1 / high
// check input parameters for validity
if((iPin <2 ipin=""> 15)) // pin should be in range 2 thru 14 - for Uno
return !bError; // failed with complement of iError - false - 0 / low - indicating invalid pin
// returns without processing the rest of the code
// of success continue processing
//{ // code block test
int TEST = 100;
Serial.println("Wait time");
Serial.println(iDelay); // output wait time to COM - keep track of progress
digitalWrite(iPin, bOnOff); // software - set the L LED pin to HIGH
// hardware - turns the L LED on
#if DEBUG // check for debugging mode
Serial.println("output to L LED"); // output line to COM port
delay(iDelay); // processor does nothing for 1000 ms - wait
// { // code block test
return bError;
// ehnanced function to operate LED
// input parameters
// int iPin I/O pin
// bool bOnOff 0 turn LEDN off 1 turn LED on
// int iDelay keep LED state lenght
// output / returns
// int
//-1 function completed successfully
// != -1 ( not equal -1) function failed - indicate incorrect pin number , including pin 0 (serial port )

int fLED_pin(int iPin, bool bOnOff, int iDelay)
int iError = -1; // no error , success
// check input parameters for validity
if((iPin <2 ipin=""> 15)) // pin should be in range 2 thru 14 - for Uno
iError = iPin;
return iPin; // failed returning pin number to caller - what will happen if the line is
// commented out ?
// continue processing
//{ // code block test
int TEST = 100;
Serial.println("Wait time");
Serial.println(iDelay); // output wait time to COM - keep track of progress
digitalWrite(iPin, bOnOff); // software - set the L LED pin to HIGH
// hardware - turns the L LED on
#if DEBUG // check for debugging mode
Serial.println("output to L LED"); // output line to COM port
delay(iDelay); // processor does nothing for 1000 ms - wait
// { // code block test

return iError;